Thursday, November 1, 2007

#23 The end of the beginning for me

Web 2.0 has been a great experience for me. I use the internet alot and now I know what to do with the links that have always been there, ie RSS, etc.
Wiki's and Flickr are my favourite. I will use them at home and hope to encourage my workplace to use them. I intend to go back to my librarything account and spend lots of time on it. I started out to impress my daughter and have finished up learning so much.
I understand fully why some kids can spend so much time on youtube, facebook and myspace the trick is to set a time limit. The biggest lesson I have learnt is this is one small world of communication. I think the internet is a wonderful tool.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

#22 Audiobooks

Downloading books is a great idea. My husband and I shared an e book on my ipod on our international flight to Europe. Great way to make use of time. Audiobooks certainly have their place, I don't subscribe to the theory that they will replace the book though.

#21 Podcasts

I have been using podcasts for a few years now. It was good to learn about Audacity though!

#20 You tube - Opah!!

Monday, October 29, 2007

#20 Addicted to You tube

#19 Discovering Web 2.0 tools

There are so many tools to look at. It is amazing what you can do.
Edit, cut, paste, change images. I experimented with this for a while
but couldn't decide what to post on my blog.

#18 Web based applications

I had a play with zoho and created my page. This was a useful web based application that hopefully I will come back to and spend more time on.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

#17 Playing in my sandbox with PBWiki

I had fun playing around with this. I added and edited in favourite restaurants and holidays. I added my blog to favourite blogs. I enjoyed reading other peoples favourite holiday spots. I think I will spend a bit more time in my sandbox.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

#16 Rhonda's Wiki

Creating my first wiki was so simple. This is a fantastic tool.
Wiki's can be used at work for so many things. This is a very useful tool.
I will be using wiki's a lot. I had heaps of fun with this exercise.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

#15 On library 2.0

Well after reading through the five perspectives, which were interesting I would like to say, libraries, as with most other professions are evolving and changing with new technology. However, If I can keep it simple "Libraries are the wardrobes of literature, whence men, properly informed may bring forth something for ornament, much for curiosity, and more for use " (William Dyer 1636-1696)

#14 Technorati

I have to admit at this point Helen Blowers is starting to get on my nerves, she is getting harder and harder to listen to. Is it just me?? This tool is great for people who are interested in other people's blogs. I imagine it would make it easy for bloggers to check out other bloggers. True bloggers would probably aspire to making the top popular blogs. This exercise would be great for people with lot's of time and enthusiasm for blogs, sadly not for me.

#13 Tagging/

This to me is again, much of the same. Same thing as bookmarking (favourites). I wouldn't use this tool because I don't want to synchronize my bookmarks to my home and work computer. I have different favourites at home to project!

Monday, October 8, 2007

#12 Rollyo Search Engine

More passwords to remember. Doesn't the favourites drop bar on my computer do the same thing?? I understand Rollyo rolls the URL's into one however, this seems too small an issue to me. Don't think I will be using my Rolly account.

#11 My LibraryThing

My house and place of birth far left of picture - Paleohora Crete

Church of spilt blood - St Petersburg May 2007

#10 Fun with image generators

#9 Finding feeds

I found Google blogsearch was easy to use. I particularly liked I only skimmed through though. I still find it hard to be interested enough to spend much time on this. I am learning though, the RSS feeds are great I am always adding them to my bloglines account.

Monday, October 1, 2007

#7 Blog Technology

This seemed the easiest so far, creating content of 100-150 words? I don't think so this is so not me - next?

#6 Flickr Fun

Mash ups went well - next

Friday, September 28, 2007

#5 Discover flickr

If I can remember how I did this, I will add some more photo's from my email to my blog.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

#2 Blogging

So far, so good. I'm hoping to create a great page to impress my daughter who is way ahead of me. This is only step 2 hopefully I can keep it going.